
Cancellation & Refund Policy

To be eligible for a return, that the purchased item must be unused and in the same condition that you purchased. Your item must be in the original packaging. Your item needs to have a receipt or proof of purchase.

In case the purchased item is received in a damaged, defective condition or different from their description on the product detail page item not as ordered, then a return request can be initiated within 3 days from the date of receiving the order.

Refunds (if applicable)

Once the returned product is received and inspected, an email notification is sent in acknowledgement of the returned item. Upon assessment of the purchase an approval or rejection of refund will be intimated.

Based on approval, the refund will be processed, to the UPI or Debit card or original source of payment, within an ascertained amount of days.

Exchanges (if applicable)

Exchange and replacement on the purchased items are eligible only if they are defective or damaged. If the purchase is required to be exchanged for the same item, please send us an email at:  and return the damaged item to:


Cancellation requests can initiate within a day (before dispatching) from ordering & once cancellation is approved the refund will be processed within 3-4 business days. The amount of cancellation item will be settled based on their bank processing. Cancellation fee (4% of payment paid) will be deducted.

Requests received later than the above-mentioned time would not be accepted.

For Cancellations, please contact us via the contact us link given in the website.